Replacing old version of comp index.
Using the Convert CSV to RDF ingest tool
This guide will walk through the use of the Convert CSV to RDF tool, a semi-automated method of converting comma separated or tab separated text [...]
Linked Statistical Data Analysis
Linked Data design principles are increasingly employed to publish and consume high-fidelity, heterogeneous statistical datasets in a distributed fashion. While vast amounts of linked statistics [...]
Jena Full Text Search
This documentation explains how to configure and use the Full Text extension to Apache Jena's ARQ (the module is included in Fuseki). The extension combines [...]
Don’t Use a Hammer to Screw in a Nail: Alternatives to REGEX in SPARQL
This brief blog post explains that regular expressions are expensive to evaluate regardless of what language you are using them in. The author suggests that [...]
Equality and Inequality in SPARQL
This brief blog post discusses issues surrounding expression semantics in SPARQL. Practices that people are used to from other languages (like the use of "=" [...]
MeSH RDF SPARQL Endpoint Query Editor
This interface allows users to query the RDF representation of Medical Subject Headings, a biomedical vocabulary produced by the National Library of Medicine. Available outputs: [...]
MeSH RDF Technical Documentation
MeSH RDF is a linked data representation of Medical Subject Headings, a biomedical vocabulary produced by the National Library of Medicine. MeSH RDF includes a [...]
Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) RDF Linked Data (beta)
This links to the home page of beta version of the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) data in RDF (Resource Description Framework). The National Library of [...]
Desiderata for an authoritative Representation of MeSH in RDF
Although the Semantic Web provides a framework for the integration of resources on the web, datasets are not always made available in RDF by their [...]
Transforming the Medical Subject Headings into Linked Data: a new article in the Journal of Library Metadata
This article reviews the pilot project to convert the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) from XML to Linked Data/RDF. The article examines the collaborative process, the [...]