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SPARQL Queries on a Web 3.0 Database
Demonstrates how to load RDF and OWL knowledge bases into AllegroGraph and how queries are executed over the data with an optimized SPARQL engine. Also [...]
Linked Data Life Cycles, Part 3
Based on the author's experience in Linked Data publishing and consumption over the past years, he has identified involved parties and fundamental phases, which provide [...]
An Introduction to Linked Open Data in Libraries, Archives & Museums
This lecture explores the enormous implications of Linked Data for discoverability and interoperability for libraries, archives, and museums, not to mention a dramatic shift in [...]
Simple SPARQL Tutorial: RDF Model – Turtle Format … the data to query
In this video, the presenter lays the groundwork for learning SPARQL by explaining the purpose of RDF triples. He then introduces the viewer to the [...]
Linked Data Tutorial: From Document Web to a Web of Linked Data
This slide presentation explains the "Data Web" vision, including some of the preliminary standards and technologies. It also covers tools and technological building blocks developed [...]
SKOS for Classification Systems
These slides present challenges and best-practice recommendations for expressing classification systems using SKOS. Topics discussed include: nesting, index terms, and class-topic relationships.URL: Simple Knowledge [...]
OWL Web Ontology Language
A slide presentation of ontology languages focusing on OWL, with information on RDF, RDF Schema, and XML as well. Discusses the three "species" of OWL- [...]
Using DBPedia
A brief video on DBPedia and SPARQL. Demonstrates how to query DBPedia for useful/interesting questions. Shows not just how to construct SPARQL queries, but also [...]
Semantic Python: Mastering Linked Data with Python
Python offers a very powerful and easy to use library to work with Linked Data: rdflib. RDFLib is a lightweight and functionally complete RDF library, [...]
Simple SPARQL Tutorial: Overview
In this video the presenter explains how he intends, over a series of videos, to teach the viewer the SPARQL query language. The exercises are [...]