RDF data model – Linked Data for Professional Education https://ld4pe.dublincore.org Learning resources tagged by competency Thu, 19 Nov 2020 14:45:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.16 Validating RDF Data https://ld4pe.dublincore.org/learning_resource/validating-rdf-data/ Fri, 15 Sep 2017 09:45:50 +0000 https://ld4pe.dublincore.org/learning_resource/validating-rdf-data/ This book describes two languages for implementing constraints on RDF data, describing the main features of both Shape Expressions (ShEx) and Shapes Constraints Language (SHACL) from a user perspective, and also offering a comparison of the technologies. The authors develop a small number of examples that typify validation requirements and demonstrate how they can be met with ShEx and SHACL. The book is not intended to be a formal specification of the languages, for which the interested reader can consult the corresponding reference documents, but rather, it is meant to serve as an introduction to the technologies with some background about the rationale of their design and some points of comparison.

URL: http://www.morganclaypoolpublishers.com/catalog_Orig/product_info.php?products_id=1091
Keywords: Shape Expressions (ShEx), Shapes Constraints Language (SHACL), Data validation
Author: Kontokostas, Dimitris
Publisher: Morgan & Claypool Publishers
Date created: 2017-08-01 04:00:00.000
Language: http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/iso639-2/eng
Time required: P8H
Educational use: instruction
Educational audience: teacher-educationSpecialist
Interactivity type: expositive

The Academy Unbound Linked Data as Revolution https://ld4pe.dublincore.org/learning_resource/the-academy-unbound-linked-data-as-revolution/ Mon, 22 May 2017 07:03:30 +0000 https://ld4pe.dublincore.org/learning_resource/the-academy-unbound-linked-data-as-revolution/ Much has been said about Linked Data, its ties to the Semantic Web, and its application for libraries, but what is it exactly and how does it work? This paper aims to answer these questions by defining Linked Data, discussing problems with libraries’ focus on bibliographic records, and exploring the potential of Linked Data as a solution in a rapidly evolving global discovery environment. A new discovery approach developed by the Bibliothèque nationale de France is presented as a service that takes advantage of the potential of linked data.

URL: https://journals.ala.org/index.php/lrts/article/view/5073/6143
Keywords: Linked Open Data (LOD), Libraries, Archives, and Museums (LAMs), Entity-relationship model, MARC (MAchine-Readable Cataloging), Authority control, Subject access
Author: Schreur, Philip Evan
Publisher: ALCTS (Association for Library Collections and Technical Services)
Date created: 2012-05-01 04:00:00.000
Language: http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/iso639-2/eng
Time required: P25M
Educational use: professionalDevelopment
Educational audience: generalPublic
Interactivity type: expositive

The Semantic Web and Linked Data Concepts: The RDF Data Model and Linked Open Data (LOD) https://ld4pe.dublincore.org/learning_resource/the-semantic-web-and-linked-data-concepts-the-rdf-data-model-and-linked-open-data-lod/ Fri, 19 May 2017 07:03:10 +0000 https://ld4pe.dublincore.org/learning_resource/the-semantic-web-and-linked-data-concepts-the-rdf-data-model-and-linked-open-data-lod/ This PowerPoint presentation was used during the "Introduction to the Semantic Web and Linked Data" module of the pilot training project developed by the Library of Congress which tested the use of BIBFRAME for bibliographic description. This presentation explains the RDF data model, the use of URIs to identify resources, and other RDF "tools". BIBFRAME is discussed as one of many vocabularies and ontologies being used to describe relationships between resources on the Semantic Web. The wider concept of Linked Open Data (LOD) is introduced along the principles and practices that support it. The module's home page contains links to more materials.

URL: https://www.loc.gov/catworkshop/bibframe/Module1-Part2.pptx
Keywords: Linked Open Data (LOD), HTTP URIs, BIBFRAME, Namespace, Semantic Web
Publisher: Library of Congress
Date created: 2015-08-01 04:00:00.000
Language: http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/iso639-2/eng
Time required: P45M
Educational use: professionalDevelopment
Educational audience: teacher-educationSpecialist
Interactivity type: expositive

BIBFRAME Training at the Library of Congress: Introduction to the Semantic Web and Linked Data https://ld4pe.dublincore.org/learning_resource/bibframe-training-at-the-library-of-congress-introduction-to-the-semantic-web-and-linked-data/ Fri, 19 May 2017 07:03:10 +0000 https://ld4pe.dublincore.org/learning_resource/bibframe-training-at-the-library-of-congress-introduction-to-the-semantic-web-and-linked-data/ This resource was developed by the Library of Congress as one part of a pilot training project which tested the use of BIBFRAME for bibliographic description. The purpose of this module is to introduce the Semantic Web, Linked Data concepts, and some basic tools. Topics covered include the role of semantically linked data in creating useful web services and connecting datasets on the web. The limits of the current MARC based environment are contrasted with the promise of integrating data more fully with Semantic Web resources to enhance user services. This home page contains links to PowerPoint presentations, quizzes, and assignments.

URL: https://www.loc.gov/catworkshop/bibframe/
Keywords: BIBFRAME, Semantic Web, MARC (MAchine-Readable Cataloging), HTTP URIs, Namespace, Linked Open Data (LOD)
Publisher: Library of Congress
Date created: 2015-08-01 04:00:00.000
Language: http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/iso639-2/eng
Time required: P2H
Educational use: professionalDevelopment
Educational audience: teacher-educationSpecialist
Interactivity type: mixed

The Semantic Web and Linked Data Concepts: The RDF Data Model and Linked Open Data (LOD) Quiz https://ld4pe.dublincore.org/learning_resource/the-semantic-web-and-linked-data-concepts-the-rdf-data-model-and-linked-open-data-lod-quiz/ Fri, 19 May 2017 07:03:10 +0000 https://ld4pe.dublincore.org/learning_resource/the-semantic-web-and-linked-data-concepts-the-rdf-data-model-and-linked-open-data-lod-quiz/ This quiz covers material presented in the first module of the BIBFRAME pilot training project at the Library of Congress. The quiz consists of five multiple choice questions with the answers explained in popups after the user has made their selection. Questions address possible misconceptions regarding Linked Data principles and Linked Open Data (LOD), as well as the role of the RDF data model, triple statements, and vocabularies within the Semantic Web.

URL: https://www.loc.gov/catworkshop/bibframe/Training/part2/index.htm
Keywords: Linked Data, Semantic Web, HTTP URIs
Publisher: Library of Congress
Date created: 2015-08-01 04:00:00.000
Language: http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/iso639-2/eng
Time required: P5M
Educational use: professionalDevelopment
Educational audience: student
Interactivity type: active

RDFS for Hierarchy and Subsumption https://ld4pe.dublincore.org/learning_resource/rdfs-for-hierarchy-and-subsumption/ Sun, 02 Apr 2017 06:55:49 +0000 https://ld4pe.dublincore.org/learning_resource/rdfs-for-hierarchy-and-subsumption/ This PowerPoint presentation explains the role which concepts from thesauri and taxonomies play in Linked Data (especially as they relate to SKOS). It briefly discusses ontologies in general before moving on to RDF Schema. Examples are given of how to defines classes of resources and the relations that connect them using RDFS. Focuses on defining hierarchical relations in support of inference (i.e., formally stating that membership in a narrower class automatically implies membership in a broader class).

URL: https://github.com/elsevierlabs/LD4PE/files/877578/Hierarchy_and_inheritance.pptx
Keywords: RDF Schema, Taxonomy, Thesaurus, Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS)
Author: Malaise, Veronique
Publisher: Elsevier
Date created: 2017-03-28 04:00:00.000
Language: http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/iso639-2/eng
Time required: P25M
Educational use: instruction
Educational audience: professional
Interactivity type: expositive

Synaptica Tech Talks: Data Modeling with Graphs https://ld4pe.dublincore.org/learning_resource/synaptica-tech-talks-data-modeling-with-graphs/ Wed, 08 Mar 2017 06:53:18 +0000 https://ld4pe.dublincore.org/learning_resource/synaptica-tech-talks-data-modeling-with-graphs/ This tutorial explores data modelling by comparing and contrasting traditional relational databases with property graph databases and RDF Linked Data graph databases. Also discusses the benefits of reusing ontologies and vocabularies from well-known and authoritative sources.

URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4IGWNovzes
Keywords: Graph model, Property graph, Name authority file, Relational model
Author: Loh, Yu Gene
Publisher: Synaptica
Date created: 2016-11-01 04:00:00.000
Language: http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/iso639-2/eng
Time required: P15M
Educational use: instruction
Educational audience: student
Interactivity type: expositive

Linked Data: The World is Your Database https://ld4pe.dublincore.org/learning_resource/linked-data-the-world-is-your-database/ Wed, 08 Mar 2017 06:53:17 +0000 https://ld4pe.dublincore.org/learning_resource/linked-data-the-world-is-your-database/ This PDF contains slides used at a talk given at KMWorld 2016. It begins by introducing the basic principles of Linked Data and the advantages of adopting it. This is followed by a brief overview of how the RDF data model and its serializations work and suggestions on how to get started.

URL: http://www.greenchameleon.com/uploads/KWM_Clarke_Loh_LOD_20161115_pub_lr.pdf
Keywords: HTTP URIs, Taxonomy, Controlled Vocabulary, Semantic enrichment
Author: Clarke, Dave
Publisher: Synaptica
Date created: 2016-11-01 04:00:00.000
Language: http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/iso639-2/eng
Time required: P20M
Educational use: instruction
Educational audience: student
Interactivity type: expositive

A Quick Tutorial on the Turtle RDF Serialization https://ld4pe.dublincore.org/learning_resource/a-quick-tutorial-on-the-turtle-rdf-serialization/ Fri, 27 Jan 2017 06:47:08 +0000 https://ld4pe.dublincore.org/learning_resource/a-quick-tutorial-on-the-turtle-rdf-serialization/ This blog post covers the use of Turtle, which the author describes as "one of the more humane RDF serializations". Turtle is simple to understand, is human readable and editable in its raw form, and is relatively compact. In order to explain the serialization, the author presents the basics of the RDF data model.

URL: http://haystack.csail.mit.edu/blog/2008/11/06/a-quick-tutorial-on-the-tutrle-rdf-serialization/
Keywords: Turtle, Blank nodes, Datatypes
Author: Benson, Edward
Publisher: MIT CSAIL Research
Date created: 2008-11-06 05:00:00.000
Language: http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/iso639-2/eng
Time required: P15M
Educational use: instruction
Educational audience: professional
Interactivity type: expositive

OWL and DL Homework Exercises https://ld4pe.dublincore.org/learning_resource/owl-and-dl-homework-exercises/ Sat, 21 Jan 2017 06:46:41 +0000 https://ld4pe.dublincore.org/learning_resource/owl-and-dl-homework-exercises/ This document contains several "written" and "electronic" homework questions originally from the course "Semantic Web Topics" at LeHigh University. They include: Draw the equivalent graph given an OWL document expressed in RDF syntax; In the OWL RDF/XML-based syntax, write two different axioms (i.e., using a different combination of constructors) stating that the classes Man and Woman are disjoint- without using owl:disjointWith; Given a sets of triples in Turtle syntax which describes several resources, write a set of OWL2 axioms that would allow one to infer several properties about each resource; For each of a series of axioms, determine which of three possible interpretations satisfy it.

URL: http://www.cse.lehigh.edu/~heflin/courses/sw-2013/hw3.pdf
Keywords: Web Ontology Language (OWL), Axioms, Disjointedness, RDF Schema, Description Logic (DL)
Author: Heflin, Jeff
Date created: 2013-02-01 05:00:00.000
Language: http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/iso639-2/eng
Time required: P2H
Educational use: assessment
Educational audience: teacher-educationSpecialist
Interactivity type: active
