Understands that resources are declared to be members (instances) of classes using the property rdf:type.
Euclid Project: Chapter 2 Quiz
Ten multiple choice questions that are intended to test one's knowledge after reading and viewing the materials in Module 2: Querying Linked Data (http://www.euclid-project.eu/modules/course2).URL: http://www.euclid-project.eu/content/chapter-2-quizKeywords: [...]
Module 2: Querying Linked Data
This module looks in detail at SPARQL and introduces approaches for querying and updating semantic data. It covers the SPARQL algebra, the SPARQL protocol, and [...]
Semantic Web Tutorial 11/14: RDF Schema and OWL 3/4
Follows where previous video left off with its description of classes, properties, domain and range. Discusses how RDF Schema approaches membership of a class differently [...]
Semantic Web Tutorial 10/14: RDF Schema and OWL 2/4
Follows where previous video left off, describing how RDF Schema is itself a vocabulary and how it can be used to define new classes of [...]
RDF Schema (RDFS)
Textual tutorial describing how RDF Schema (RDFS) extends RDF vocabulary to allow for describing taxonomies of classes and properties. RDFS also extends definitions for some [...]
Ontologies and the Semantic Web
This site introduces ontologies and the Semantic Web, with an emphasis on how ontologies are defined and used for applications. There are about about thirty [...]
Real-time RDF Extraction from Unstructured Data Streams
Most of the Web of Data is limited to a large compendium of encyclopedic knowledge describing entities. The timely and massive extraction of RDF facts [...]
RDF – Connecting Software and People
A short introduction to Semantic Web standards for people with some software engineering background. Using the example of the "Mythical Man Month", this talk describes [...]
Linked Data Tutorial: From Document Web to a Web of Linked Data
This slide presentation explains the "Data Web" vision, including some of the preliminary standards and technologies. It also covers tools and technological building blocks developed [...]
The Semantic Web: An Introduction
This document is designed as being a "simple but comprehensive introductory publication for anybody trying to get into the Semantic Web: from beginners through to [...]