Linked Data principles
Usage of Linked Data: Introduction and Application Scenarios
This slide presentation introduces the main principles of Linked Data, as well as underlying technologies and background standards. It provides basic knowledge for how data [...]
Challenges with Linked Data in Libraries
This talk addresses the obstacles that libraries will have to overcome in order to integrate library data into the Semantic Web reap the benefits of [...]
Linked Data Life Cycles, Part 3
Based on the author's experience in Linked Data publishing and consumption over the past years, he has identified involved parties and fundamental phases, which provide [...]
Linked Data Tutorial: From Document Web to a Web of Linked Data
This slide presentation explains the "Data Web" vision, including some of the preliminary standards and technologies. It also covers tools and technological building blocks developed [...]
Linked Data Life Cycles, Part 1
Based on the author's experience in Linked Data publishing and consumption over the past years, he has identified involved parties and fundamental phases, which provide [...]
An Introduction to Linked Open Data in Libraries, Archives & Museums
This lecture explores the enormous implications of Linked Data for discoverability and interoperability for libraries, archives, and museums, not to mention a dramatic shift in [...]
Providing Linked Data
This slide presentation covers the whole spectrum of Linked Data production and exposure. It begins with a grounding in Linked Data principles and best practices, [...]
Introduction to Linked Data
This slide presentation explains how Linked Data can help us publish our raw data in a way that makes it easier to find and reuse, [...]
Linked Data (and the Web of Data)
DERI and the Linked Data Research Center (LiDRC) present a video on Linked Data. Discusses the shift from a Web of Documents to a Web [...]
Linked Open Data: What Is It?
Deze film is gemaakt door het Kadaster in het kader van de pilot "Linked Open Data". De pilot Linked Open data is een initiatief van: [...]