Designing RDF-based vocabularies
Protege: How To Create Classes And Properties
This video is about defining classes, properties, class hierarchies and property hierarchies using Protégé, a free, open-source ontology editor and framework. Although the video deals [...]
Providing Linked Data
This slide presentation covers the whole spectrum of Linked Data production and exposure. It begins with a grounding in Linked Data principles and best practices, [...]
Publishing Legacy Data as Linked Data
This screencast describes how to publish legacy data as Linked Data using a variety of tools. First, a CSV file is imported to Google Refine. [...]
Intro to OWL & Ontology
This slide presentation is an overview of OWL, including its classes, properties, and restrictions. Also includes brief coverage of how OWL relates to RDF Schema [...]
The Semantic Web: An Introduction
This document is designed as being a "simple but comprehensive introductory publication for anybody trying to get into the Semantic Web: from beginners through to [...]
What is an Ontology?
A brief description of an ontology and its benefits. Explains how classes and relationships are used in the RDF data model to make triples.URL: [...]
Flavors of OWL
This lesson looks at the different flavors of OWL, each of which is a distinct subset of the full OWL standard. Some are simpler and/or [...]
Learn OWL and RDFS
This set of lessons is an introduction to OWL and an introduction to RDF Schema (RDFS). OWL and RDFS are key Semantic Web technologies that [...]
SKOS in a Nutshell
Overview of SKOS, in which the presenter asserts that SKOS is not a competitor of RDF Schema or OWL but an application of RDF Schema [...]
A Complete Example of How to Link Data, Part 2
This video picks up where the introductory video left off, covering the first two steps in the Linked Data Pipeline. Google Refine is used to [...]