Designing RDF-based vocabularies
OWL Reference for Humans
This lesson provides an introduction to the most useful stuff in OWL. It is not intended to be comprehensive, but it does contain quite a [...]
An Introduction to RDF Schema
This slide presentation discusses RDF Schema, including classes, sub-classes, and instances. Concepts such as domain and range, datatypes and literals, labels and comments are also [...]
Linked Data: Making it a Reality
This slide presentation discusses most common working definitions of the broad concept of Linked Data, as well as the basic technologies behind it. This is [...]
XSD (XML Schema Definition)
Defines the purpose of an XML Schema as defining the legal building blocks of an XML document. An XML Schema defines: elements and attributes that [...]
A Complete Example of How to Link Data, Part 2
This video picks up where the introductory video left off, covering the first two steps in the Linked Data Pipeline. Google Refine is used to [...]
Module 1: Introduction and Application Scenarios
This module introduces the main principles of Linked Data, the underlying technologies and background standards. It provides basic knowledge for how data can be published [...]
OWL 101
OWL (or Web Ontology Language) is the ontology (think "schema") language of the Semantic Web. It is one of the core Semantic Web standards one [...]
Linked Data FAQ
A brief overview of Linked Data and the Semantic Web. Contains FAQs and links to other sites, including papers by Tim Berners-Lee and others. Although [...]
Retrieving And Using SKOS Taxonomy Data and More from DBpedia
This slide presentation was originally given at Taxonomy Boot Camp 2014. The author briefly explains what SKOS is and demonstrates how to use its properties [...]
NCBI RDF URI Standards
Topic: Publishing RDF; Competency: Determines whether to use hash (#) or slash (/). This document describes standards for NCBI-minted persistent URIs that identify RDF resources. [...]