Designing RDF-based vocabularies
Retrieving And Using SKOS Taxonomy Data and More from DBpedia
This slide presentation was originally given at Taxonomy Boot Camp 2014. The author briefly explains what SKOS is and demonstrates how to use its properties [...]
NCBI RDF URI Standards
Topic: Publishing RDF; Competency: Determines whether to use hash (#) or slash (/). This document describes standards for NCBI-minted persistent URIs that identify RDF resources. [...]
Tutorial on Ontology Management
This PowerPoint presentation uses the famous Wine Ontology example to cover ontology development basics. It answers the question, "What is an ontology and why do [...]
Advantages and Myths of RDF
This paper addresses the question, "Is RDF a Framework, Data Model or Vocabulary?" The author argues that RDF is simultaneously a framework, data model and [...]
Designing and Developing Vocabularies in RDF
This slide presentation aims to help the user answer the following questions: What are the best practices or creating an RDF vocabulary for modelling data; [...]
An Introduction to Linked Open Data
An extensive slide presentation covering the key components that support RDF: the graph model, the triple statement, and URIs. Also discusses the Web of Data [...]
Publish your SKOS Vocabulary with Skosmos
This slide presentation explains how to put a thesaurus (or any other type of KOS) on the Semantic Web. Focus is on the use of [...]
Ontology Development 101: A Guide to Creating Your First Ontology
This guide describes an ontology development methodology, lists possible steps in the process, and addresses the complex issues of defining class hierarchies and properties of [...]
Manchester Family History Advanced OWL Tutorial Edition V1.0
This tutorial introduces many of the more advanced features of the Web Ontology Language (OWL). The topic of family history is used to take the [...]
Practical Work in Linked Data Using Digital Collections: Unleashing the Expressivity of Data
The UNLV Linked Data Project provides a case study of the complex topic of Linked Open Data, from an emerging concept in librarianship to practical [...]