Interacting with RDF data
Linked Data FAQ
A brief overview of Linked Data and the Semantic Web. Contains FAQs and links to other sites, including papers by Tim Berners-Lee and others. Although [...]
Simple SPARQL Tutorial: SPARQL query … the OPTIONAL Graph Pattern
Tutorial showing how to modify a query to return instances of data that may or may not exist- the OPTIONAL Graph Pattern.URL: SPARQLAuthor: Sadawi, [...]
A Simple Linked Data and JavaScript Tutorial
Mention Linked Data or RDF and many developers run screaming. The truth is that Linked Data is really rather simple (and in many cases you [...]
SPARQL Tutorial: Results
This tutorial describes the four result forms used by SPARQL: SELECT, CONSTRUCT, DESCRIBE,and ASK. Also discusses the solution modifiers: PROJECTION, OFFSET/LIMIT, ORDER BY, and DISTINCT.URL: [...]
A Complete Example of How to Link Data, Part 1
Brief introductory video explaining the benefits of Linked Data using a real-estate industry use case. The speaker sketches out a Linked Data Pipeline for the [...]
Retrieving And Using SKOS Taxonomy Data and More from DBpedia
This slide presentation was originally given at Taxonomy Boot Camp 2014. The author briefly explains what SKOS is and demonstrates how to use its properties [...]
Simple SPARQL Tutorial: Using LIMIT and OFFSET Keywords
Tutorial explaining how the LIMIT and OFFSET keywords allow one to restrict the number of results returned by a SPARQL query. The instructor has some [...]
Simple SPARQL Tutorial: Searching with Blank Nodes
Building on the previous tutorial of the series, this tutorial shows how to construct and run SELECT queries when a dataset has blank nodes.URL: [...]
Simple SPARQL Tutorial: Querying public data sources (SPARQL Endpoints)
This tutorial explains what how to query publicly available datasets using SPARQL and DBpedia's SNORQL endpoint.URL: SPARQL, DBpedia, SPARQL endpointAuthor: Sadawi, NoureddinDate created: 2014-03-03 [...]
SPARQL Tutorial: Basic Patterns
A brief, text-based tutorial covering basic patterns and solutions, the main building blocks of SPARQL queries. Discusses variables and fixed values, the SELECT query, and [...]