Articulates differences between the RDF abstract data model and the XML and relational models.
Validating RDF Data
This book describes two languages for implementing constraints on RDF data, describing the main features of both Shape Expressions (ShEx) and Shapes Constraints Language (SHACL) [...]
The Academy Unbound Linked Data as Revolution
Much has been said about Linked Data, its ties to the Semantic Web, and its application for libraries, but what is it exactly and how [...]
Synaptica Tech Talks: Data Modeling with Graphs
This tutorial explores data modelling by comparing and contrasting traditional relational databases with property graph databases and RDF Linked Data graph databases. Also discusses the [...]
Linked Data: The World is Your Database
This PDF contains slides used at a talk given at KMWorld 2016. It begins by introducing the basic principles of Linked Data and the advantages [...]
Moving from RDBMS to Graphs
This webinar discusses why companies are shifting away from RDBMS towards graph databases to unlock the business value in their data relationships. The speaker stresses [...]
Databases: Graph vs. Relational
This video describes the differences between graph database models (such as RDF) and relational models (RDBMS). The narrator gives examples of when it would be [...]
How Does a Graph Database Differ From a Relational Database?
This video describes the difference between a graph database model (such as RDF) and the relational database model (RDBMS). Focuses on the increased efficiency of [...]
RDFProv: A Relational RDF Store for Querying and Managing Scientific Workflow Provenance
Provenance metadata has become increasingly important to support scientific discovery, reproducibility, result interpretation, and problem diagnosis in scientific workflow environments. The provenance management problem concerns [...]
Provenance: The Missing Component of the Semantic Web for Privacy and Trust
Semantic Web data currently does not have any standardized or de facto agreed upon way to exhibit provenance information, even though provenance is the foundation [...]
Ontologies and Data Models- Are They the Same?
This blog post from "Voyages of the Semantic Enterprise" discusses issues related to the title question, including a brief history of data modelling and how [...]