Designing RDF-based vocabularies
SKOS and Linked Data
This slideshare presentation introduces SKOS and explains how it can be used to represent RDF in a simple way. It explains how SKOS differs from [...]
OntoCheck: Verifying Ontology Naming Conventions and Metadata Completeness in Protégé 4
This article describes OntoCheck, a plugin available for the Protégé Ontology editor. OntoCheck, allows for ontology tests to be carried out on OWL ontologies, aiding [...]
Linked Open Vocabularies (LOV): A Gateway to Reusable Semantic Vocabularies on the Web
One of the major barriers to the deployment of Linked Data is the difficulty that data publishers have in determining which vocabularies to use to [...]
Semantic Web Misconceptions
The Semantic Web has been talked about for more than a decade. Over those years, several mistaken or misleading ideas about the Semantic Web have [...]
The Academy Unbound Linked Data as Revolution
Much has been said about Linked Data, its ties to the Semantic Web, and its application for libraries, but what is it exactly and how [...]
Europeana: Moving to Linked Data
This article describes the pilot project undertaken by Europeana. Its goal was to replace data societies within the cultural heritage domain with "a distributed information [...]
Linked Data for Libraries, Archives and Museums: How to clean, link and publish your metadata
This handbook teaches how to unlock the value of existing metadata through cleaning, reconciliation, enrichment and linking, as well as how to streamline the process [...]
The Semantic Web and Linked Data Concepts: The RDF Data Model and Linked Open Data (LOD) Quiz
This quiz covers material presented in the first module of the BIBFRAME pilot training project at the Library of Congress. The quiz consists of five [...]
The Semantic Web and Linked Data Concepts: The RDF Data Model and Linked Open Data (LOD)
This PowerPoint presentation was used during the "Introduction to the Semantic Web and Linked Data" module of the pilot training project developed by the Library [...]
BIBFRAME Training at the Library of Congress: Introduction to the Semantic Web and Linked Data
This resource was developed by the Library of Congress as one part of a pilot training project which tested the use of BIBFRAME for bibliographic [...]