Understands that a SPARQL query matches an RDF graph against a pattern of triples with fixed and variable values.
Markup Languages and Document Processing: Vocabularies and Queries
This lesson plan was used for the course "Markup Languages and Document Processing", part of the Master in Informatics and Computing Engineering program at Porto [...]
Module 6: Scaling up
This module addresses the main issues of Linked Data and scalability. In particular, it provides details on approaches and technologies for clustering, distributing, sharing, and [...]
Euclid Project: Chapter 2 Quiz
Ten multiple choice questions that are intended to test one's knowledge after reading and viewing the materials in Module 2: Querying Linked Data (http://www.euclid-project.eu/modules/course2).URL: http://www.euclid-project.eu/content/chapter-2-quizKeywords: [...]
Module 2: Querying Linked Data
This module looks in detail at SPARQL and introduces approaches for querying and updating semantic data. It covers the SPARQL algebra, the SPARQL protocol, and [...]
Euclid Project: Chapter 1 Quiz
Ten multiple choice questions that are intended to test one's knowledge after reading and viewing the materials in Module 1: Introduction and Application Scenarios.URL: http://www.euclid-project.eu/content/chapter-1-quizKeywords: [...]
Euclid Project: Chapter 6 Quiz
Ten multiple choice questions that are intended to test one's knowledge after reading and viewing the materials in Module 6: Scaling up (http://www.euclid-project.eu/modules/course6).URL: http://www.euclid-project.eu/content/chapter-6-quizKeywords: Linked [...]
Introduction to Semantic Web Technologies and Linked Data
These slides appear to have been used for a course in Database Management Systems at the University of Toronto, but contain material which the creator [...]
Linked Data Query Processing: Theoretical Foundations
These slides represent the second of a five-part tutorial presentation given at the 22nd International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2013). An awareness of foundations [...]
Linked Data Query Processing: Query Planning and Optimization
These slides represent the fifth of a five-part tutorial presentation given at the 22nd International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2013). This final part of [...]
Linked Data Query Processing: Execution Process
These slides represent the fourth of a five-part tutorial presentation given at the 22nd International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2013). The actual process of [...]