Demonstrates a working knowledge of the forms and uses of SPARQL result sets (SELECT, CONSTRUCT, DESCRIBE, and ASK).
MarkLogic: Using the Triple Index
This brief exercise makes use of a triple index outside of SPARQL. It relies on previously loaded data and builds on queries which were run [...]
MarkLogic: SPARQL and XQuery together
This exercise covers the use of SPARQL and XQuery together in a few different ways. This involves running a series of queries on the BBC [...]
Example SPARQL queries
This page, which contains SPARQL tools, tips, sample queries, is just starting out and the authors hope it can become a resource for useful snippets [...]
SPARQL Queries for Publications and Authors
This page contains SPARQL queries useful for finding information on authors and publications on VIVO. These query examples, if adapted, have other useful applications as [...]
SPARQL in 11 minutes
This video serves as an introduction to the W3C query language for RDF, SPARQL. Before explaining SPARQL queries themselves, a brief discussion of Linked Data [...]
Probing the SPARQL endpoint of
In this blog post, the authors use a series of SPARQL queries to probe the content in the UK's The techniques demonstrated can be [...]
Learning SPARQL: 2nd Edition – Sample data, queries, scripts, and output
These sample queries and output were originally published as teaching tools intended to complement Learning SPARQL: 2nd Edition by Bob DuCharme. The preface of the [...]
University of Southampton SPARQL endpoint
This interface implements SPARQL and SPARQL+ via HTTP Bindings. Enabled operations: select, construct, ask, describe (Max. number of results : 2000). Includes three sample queries: [...]
Querying the Linked Archives Hub data using SPARQL
This blog post provides a few sample SPARQL queries that can be used as a starting point for exploring an unfamiliar dataset. The queries are [...]
Getting to Know MarkLogic Semantics
This tutorial is self-paced and teaches about MarkLogic Semantics. Upon completing it, the user should be able to: Describe semantic data, triples and triple stores; [...]