Understands the difference between SQL query language (which operates on database tables) and SPARQL (which operates on RDF graphs).
Foundations of RDF Databases
This older presentation presents the argument that the RDF data model can be viewed as an extension of the traditional database model, rather than as [...]
This set of FAQs was written before SPARQL 1.1, making it obsolete for practical purposes. However, its treatment of topics such as how SPARQL deals [...]
Answering SPARQL Queries over Databases under OWL 2 QL Entailment Regime
This video presents an extension of the ontology-based data access platform Ontop that supports answering SPARQL queries under the OWL 2 QL direct semantics entailment [...]
SPARQL with R in less than 5 minutes
This article describes how to get up and running on the Semantic Web in less than 5 minutes using SPARQL with R. It begins with [...]
Multi-Agent and Semantic Web Systems: Querying
This slide presentation of lecture material was used as part of a course given at The University of Edinburgh School of Informatics. This lecture discusses [...]
Building Semantic Web CRUD Operations Using PHP
This article discusses how a shift in Web development towards Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) has shifted the model commonly used for connecting websites to databases (and [...]
MarkLogic Semantics: Under the Hood
This slide presentation starts with the basics of triples and how to query RDF data using SPARQL (with a focus on SPARQL support in MarkLogic). [...]
Module 6: Scaling up
This module addresses the main issues of Linked Data and scalability. In particular, it provides details on approaches and technologies for clustering, distributing, sharing, and [...]
Euclid Project: Chapter 2 Quiz
Ten multiple choice questions that are intended to test one's knowledge after reading and viewing the materials in Module 2: Querying Linked Data (http://www.euclid-project.eu/modules/course2).URL: http://www.euclid-project.eu/content/chapter-2-quizKeywords: [...]
Module 2: Querying Linked Data
This module looks in detail at SPARQL and introduces approaches for querying and updating semantic data. It covers the SPARQL algebra, the SPARQL protocol, and [...]