SPARQL 1.1 Entailment Regimes
There are different possible ways of defining a basic graph pattern matching extension for an entailment relation. This document specifies one such way for a [...]
There are different possible ways of defining a basic graph pattern matching extension for an entailment relation. This document specifies one such way for a [...]
This paper presents an extension of the ontology-based data access platform Ontop that supports answering SPARQL queries under the OWL 2 QL direct semantics entailment [...]
This lengthy slide presentation covers SPARQL 1.1. It begins with the fundamentals: graph patterns, operators, and algebraic representations. The second half dives deeply into complex [...]
SPARQL entailment regimes are strongly influenced by the big body of works on ontology-based query answering, notably in the area of Description Logics (DLs). However, [...]
After this tutorial, you should be able to: Build your own basic SPARQL queries, step-by-step; Understand that SPARQL is not just a query language, it [...]
This slide presentation introduces the main principles of Linked Data, as well as underlying technologies and background standards. It provides basic knowledge for how data [...]
A short introduction to Semantic Web standards for people with some software engineering background. Using the example of the "Mythical Man Month", this talk describes [...]
This talk provides an overview of principles and methods of Linked Open Data (LOD) and discusses advantages as well as challenges of adopting a Linked [...]
This slide presentation gives details on technologies and approaches for exploiting Linked Data by building Linked Data applications. It gives an overview of existing applications [...]
This talk addresses the obstacles that libraries will have to overcome in order to integrate library data into the Semantic Web reap the benefits of [...]