SPARQL in a Nutshell
A simple but comprehensive slide presentation covering the basics of what SPARQL is and how it is used. NOTE: This resource was created before SPARQL [...]
A simple but comprehensive slide presentation covering the basics of what SPARQL is and how it is used. NOTE: This resource was created before SPARQL [...]
Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web. For his next project, he is building a Web for open, linked data that could do for numbers [...]
This slideset was part of the "How to Consume Linked Data" tutorial at the International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC), Oct. 2009. Predates SPARQL 1.1, so [...]
This slide presentation is an overview of OWL, including its classes, properties, and restrictions. Also includes brief coverage of how OWL relates to RDF Schema [...]
Pundit is a tool which enables users to create semantically structured data which "annotates" the Web. These annotations are organised in notebooks which can be [...]
This slide presentation describes the transition from a Web of Documents to a Web of Data, introducing basic Linked Data principles (including HTTP URIs and [...]
A brief description of an ontology and its benefits. Explains how classes and relationships are used in the RDF data model to make triples.URL: [...]
This presentation gives an overview of the SPARQL query language and how it is different than SQL, which is used for relational databases. Mentions several [...]
This video discusses the challenges faced when publishing museum data as Linked Data: the databases are large and complex; the information is richly structured and [...]
An overview of SPARQL including its history, and examples of queries with operators. Also includes brief discussion of Apache Jena (a Java Framework for Linked [...]