These slides are from a workshop and served as instructions for completing activities designed to achieve the following objectives: 1) Introduce the concept, principles, and key features of Linked Data; 2) Provide hands-on experience of creating Linked Data; 3) Provide a broad technical understanding of how to publish Linked Data; 4) Highlight some of the tools available for publishing and consuming Linked Data.
Keywords: Web of Data, HTTP URIs
Author: Heath, Tom
Publisher: Talis
Date created: 2009-02-13 05:00:00.000
Time required: P2H
- Recognizes the desirability of a published namespace policy describing an institution's commitment to the persistence and semantic stability of important URIs.
- Understands that Linked Data (2006) extended the notion of a web of documents (the Web) to a notion of a web of finer-grained data (the Linked Data cloud).
- Understands that to be "dereferencable", a URI should be usable to retrieve a representation of the resource it identifies.