This is the second chapter in MarkLogic's "Semantic Developer's Guide". It describes how to set up MarkLogic Server to store triples. Includes a step-by-step example using Persondata from DBPedia, in which the data is queried (using SPARQL and XQuery) to verify that the import was successful.
Keywords: XQuery, SPARQL, Triple store, REST API
Publisher: MarkLogic
Time required: P30M
Educational use: professionalDevelopment
Educational audience: professional
Interactivity type: expositive
- Understands how the pattern matching of SPARQL queries can be expressed using functionally equivalent constructs in RDF programming libraries.
- Uses available tools, servers, and endpoints to issue queries against a dataset.
- Uses RDF programming libraries to persistently stores triples in memory, on disk, or to interact with triple stores.