This is the final chapter in MarkLogic's "Semantic Developer's Guide". It discusses how to work with both "managed" and "unmanaged" triples with XQuery or Server-side JavaScript using MarkLogic built-ins. Triples "managed" by MarkLogic can be modified using SPARQL Update. "Unmanaged" triples, those triples embedded in another document, can only be modified using XQuery or Server-Side JavaScript and built-ins.
Keywords: XQuery, JavaScript, CURL, REST API, Triples, CRUD
Publisher: MarkLogic
Time required: P30M
- Knows the SPARQL 1.1 Update language for updating, creating, and removing RDF graphs in a Graph Store
- Understands how components of the RDF data model (datasets, graphs, statements, and various types of node) are expressed in the RDF library of a given programming language by constructs such as object
- Uses RDF programming libraries to persistently stores triples in memory, on disk, or to interact with triple stores.