This page serves as an introduction to a series of exercises to introduce the following features of MarkLogic: A SPARQL query language interpreter; Tools and APIs for directly loading semantic data encoded in a variety of RDF triple formats; A set of REST endpoints for interacting and querying stored RDF triples; Tight integration with MarkLogic's document store, indexes, and search and analytics APIs.
Keywords: MarkLogic, XQuery, REST, SPARQL, Triple Store
Author: Buxton, Stephen
Publisher: MarkLogic
Date created: 2016-03-31 04:00:00.000
Time required: P5M
- Understands how the pattern matching of SPARQL queries can be expressed using functionally equivalent constructs in RDF programming libraries.
- Uses an RDF programming library to serialize RDF data in available syntaxes.
- Uses RDF programming libraries to persistently stores triples in memory, on disk, or to interact with triple stores.