This slide presentation of lecture material was used as part of a course given at The University of Edinburgh School of Informatics. This lecture looked at a wide variety of topics, focusing in particular on Linked Open Data principles for publishing data, the purpose of using URIs, and content negotiation.
Keywords: HTTP URIs, Content negotiiation, 5 Star Linked Open Data, Linked Data Prnciples, Linked Open Data
Author: McNeill, Fiona
Date created: 2013-02-14 05:00:00.000
Time required: P30M
Educational use: instruction
Educational audience: student
Interactivity type: expositive
- Chooses "hash"- or "slash"-based URI patterns based on requirements.
- Knows that anything can be named with Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs), such as agents, places, events, artifacts, and concepts.
- Understands that a "real-world" thing may need to be named with a URI distinct from the URI for information about that thing.
- Knows the "five stars" of Open Data: put data on the Web, preferably in a structured and preferably non-proprietary format, using URIs to name things, and link to other data.
- Understands that to be "dereferencable", a URI should be usable to retrieve a representation of the resource it identifies.
- Understands the purpose of publishing RDF vocabularies in multiple formats using content negotiation.