Previous lessons in this module introduced both RDF Schema and OWL as data modeling languages for describing RDF data. So which should you use? This article compares the two languages and offers the opinion that, although each has its place in the Semantic Web world, in general you should be using OWL.
Keywords: Instances, Classes, Constraints, Web Ontology Language (OWL), RDF Schema
Publisher: Cambridge Semantics
Time required: P10M
- Knows that Web Ontology Language (OWL) is available in multiple "flavors" that are variously optimized for expressivity, performant reasoning, or for applications involving databases or business rules
- Interacting with RDF data
- Reasoning over RDF data
- Knows that Web Ontology Language (OWL) is available in multiple "flavors" that are variously optimized for expressivity, performant reasoning, or for applications involving databases or business rules
- Knows that Web Ontology Language (OWL) is available in multiple "flavors" that are variously optimized for expressivity, performant reasoning, or for applications involving databases or business rules
- Reasoning over RDF data
- Interacting with RDF data
- Knows Web Ontology Language, or OWL (2004), as a RDF vocabulary of properties and classes that extend support for expressive data modeling and automated inferencing (reasoning).
- RDF vocabularies and application profiles
- Designing RDF-based vocabularies
- Knows Web Ontology Language, or OWL (2004), as a RDF vocabulary of properties and classes that extend support for expressive data modeling and automated inferencing (reasoning).
- Knows Web Ontology Language, or OWL (2004), as a RDF vocabulary of properties and classes that extend support for expressive data modeling and automated inferencing (reasoning).
- Designing RDF-based vocabularies
- RDF vocabularies and application profiles
- Uses RDF Schema to express semantic relationships within a vocabulary.
- RDF vocabularies and application profiles
- Designing RDF-based vocabularies
- Uses RDF Schema to express semantic relationships within a vocabulary.
- Correctly uses sub-class relationships in support of inference.
- Correctly uses sub-property relationships in support of inference.
- Uses RDF Schema to express semantic relationships within a vocabulary.
- Designing RDF-based vocabularies
- RDF vocabularies and application profiles
- Understands that resources are declared to be members (instances) of classes using the property rdf:type.
- Fundamentals of Resource Description Framework
- RDF data model
- Understands that resources are declared to be members (instances) of classes using the property rdf:type.
- Understands that resources are declared to be members (instances) of classes using the property rdf:type.
- RDF data model
- Fundamentals of Resource Description Framework
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