This tutorial familiarizes the user with concepts and steps for using Semantic Inferencing in MarkLogic. The concepts of inference, rulesets, asserted triples and ontology triples are described with examples. Forward and backward chaining is compared and contrasted. RDF Schema, OWL, and path-based inference are also described and demonstrated. Includes discussion of best practices for optimizing inference performance.
Keywords: SPARQL, XQuery, Rules Based Inference, JavaScript, REST API
Publisher: MarkLogic
Time required: P20M
Interactivity type: expositive
- Correctly uses sub-class relationships in support of inference.
- Programatically infers triples using custom functions or methods.
- Understands the principles and practice of inferencing.
- Understands the role of Property Paths and how they are formed by combining predicates with regular expression-like operators.
- Uses INSERT/DELETE to update triples.
- Uses RDF-specific programming methods to query RDF data and save the results for further processing.