This is the tenth chapter in MarkLogic's "Semantic Developer's Guide". It describes the XQuery and JavaScript Semantics APIs, which include an XQuery library module, built-in semantics functions, and support for SPARQL, SPARQL Update, and RDF. This chapter also includes examples using the Semantics API, which is an API designed to create, query, update, and delete triples and graphs in MarkLogic.
Keywords: Semantics API, JavaScript, XQuery, Triples
Publisher: MarkLogic
Time required: P40M
Educational use: instruction
Educational audience: professional
Interactivity type: mixed
- Programatically infers triples using custom functions or methods.
- Uses RDF programming libraries to extract RDF data from CSV files, databases, or web pages.
- Uses RDF programming libraries to persistently stores triples in memory, on disk, or to interact with triple stores.
- Understands how components of the RDF data model (datasets, graphs, statements, and various types of node) are expressed in the RDF library of a given programming language by constructs such as object