This page shows how to access a SPARQL endpoint using an interface provided by Talis. Potentially more valuable, it also provides several dozen example queries, including those covering: Abbreviated query syntax; Aggregate features; Generic queries; and Schema queries.
Keywords: SPARQL, SPARQL endpoint, XQuery, Talis
Publisher: Wikibooks
Date created: 2014-03-26 04:00:00.000
Time required: P1H
- Understands how to combine and filter graph patterns using operators such as UNION, OPTIONAL, FILTER, and MINUS.
- Understands the major SPARQL result set modifiers, e.g., to limit or sort results, or to return distinct results only once.
- Understands that QNames define shorthand prefixes for long URIs.
- Uses aggregates to apply expressions over groups of solutions (GROUP BY, COUNT, SUM, AVG, MIN) for partitioning results, evaluating projections, and filtering.
- Uses the regular expression (regex()) function for string matching.