The most current version of the Linked Data for Professional Education (LD4PE) Competency Index is now available for review and feedback. On the Exploring Linked Dta site, the index can be browsed here:

The index is organized hierarchically, going from broad topic clusters down to specific benchmarks:

Topic cluster
—  — Competency: Tweet-length assertion of knowledge, skill, or habit of mind
—  —  — Benchmark: Action demonstrating accomplishment in related competencies

The current top level topic clusters are:
– Fundamentals of Resource Description Framework
– Fundamentals of Linked Data
– RDF vocabularies and application profiles
– Creating and transforming RDF Data
– Interacting with RDF Data
– Creating Linked Data applications

As with previous releases of the index, we are making the index available to the community as a Google Doc where we encourage comments, questions, and feedback about specific concepts of the index. Please help spread the word and help us solicit feedback from those that can contribute.

The Google Doc can be found here:

For additional information on contacting or participating with the project, please see the Participate! page on the About Us section of this page.