Replacing old version of comp index.
XML Tutorial for Beginners Video
Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a markup language that defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format that is both human-readable and [...]
Introduction to Linked Data
This slide presentation explains how Linked Data can help us publish our raw data in a way that makes it easier to find and reuse, [...]
SPARQL: Querying the Web of Data
This slide-set aims to introduce the RDF query language SPARQL "from a user's perspective". This presentation predates the introduction of SPARQL 1.1, but may still [...]
Introduction to JSON
Introduction to JSON as a format for representing and storing semi-structured data. Includes comparisons to to the Relational Model and XML. Continued (with demonstration) in [...]
Linked Data Life Cycles, Part 1
Based on the author's experience in Linked Data publishing and consumption over the past years, he has identified involved parties and fundamental phases, which provide [...]
Using XSLT to Transform Your XML
This is a short presentation introducing XSLT and showing how it can be used to transform the data in an XML file into a different [...]
From Trees to Graphs: Creating Linked Data from XML
This presentation features a use case from Oxford University Press, in which data was migrated from XML content to Linked Data. It covers the business [...]
Why SKOS should be a focal point of your linked data strategy
In this webinar, key people from the Semantic Web Company describe why controlled vocabularies based on SKOS should play a central role in a Linked [...]
The Semantic Web In Breadth
This document discusses the different parts of the Semantic Web and how they fit together. The early date means that much has changed since it [...]
Using SKOS Vocabularies for Improving Web Search
This slide presentation briefly explains what SKOS is and how SKOS-based term expansion may improve the results returned from queries on the Web. Lucene-SKOS and [...]