Replacing old version of comp index.
Challenges with Linked Data in Libraries
This talk addresses the obstacles that libraries will have to overcome in order to integrate library data into the Semantic Web reap the benefits of [...]
Semantic Modeling
After this tutorial, you should be able to: 1) Compare and contrast the properties of the various data modeling types and their typical scope; 2) [...]
Research Description Framework
This video is targeted for blind users- it contains no visuals, only audio. However, it contains a very thorough description of the RDF Data model, [...]
From Excel File to RDF with Links to DBpedia and Europeana
This screencast is a step-by-step walk-through showing how to transform Excel tables to RDF data and then link that RDF data to external data sources. [...]
Introduction to SKOS – Simple Knowledge Organization System
These slides are from the PhD Course on the Semantic Web at Turin Polytechnic University. SKOS provides the missing link between the rigorous logical formalism [...]
Using oXygen to Enrich (X)HTML or ePub via Linked Data Sources
This video describes use of the oXygen XML editor to enrich (X)HTML or ePub via Linked Data sources. The result is the generation IST 2.0 [...]
NoSQL and Triple Stores
This slide presentation offers a comparison and contrast of RDF triple stores and NoSQL, seeking to answer the question, "are triples stores NoSQL, or not"?URL: [...]
Providing Linked Data
This slide presentation covers the whole spectrum of Linked Data production and exposure. It begins with a grounding in Linked Data principles and best practices, [...]
Linking with DBpedia
This short video demonstrates the use of TopBraid Composer for linking a domain model with corresponding DBpedia pages. This feature can be used to link [...]
Introducing Turtled
A brief screencast about Turtled, a simple online RDF Turtle editor that allows you to render an RDF graph visually, restrict to sub-graphs via SPARQL, [...]