Replacing old version of comp index.
How-to Guide for Creating a Linked Data Site
The author attempts to walk the reader through the process of creating what he considers to be a Linked Data site. He assumes that the [...]
XSD Examples
This slide presentation covers how to create XML Schemas, why XML Schemas are more powerful than DTDs, and how to use XML Schema in your [...]
XSD (XML Schema Definition)
Defines the purpose of an XML Schema as defining the legal building blocks of an XML document. An XML Schema defines: elements and attributes that [...]
Simple SPARQL Tutorial: The ARQ Query Engine (for Querying RDF Data)
A tutorial showing how to use ARQ, A SPARQL processor for Apache Jena. Brief and to the point- similar topics continued on next video of [...]
Simple SPARQL Tutorial: Querying Named Graphs – using NAMED GRAPH and GRAPH
Continuing the discussion of Named Graphs from the previous tutorial in the series, this tutorial discusses the functionality provided by using URIs to name graphs. [...]
A Complete Example of How to Link Data, Part 2
This video picks up where the introductory video left off, covering the first two steps in the Linked Data Pipeline. Google Refine is used to [...]
An Introduction to RDF Schema
This slide presentation discusses RDF Schema, including classes, sub-classes, and instances. Concepts such as domain and range, datatypes and literals, labels and comments are also [...]
An Introduction to RDF and the Jena API
This is a tutorial introduction to both W3C's Resource Description Framework (RDF) and Jena, a Java API for RDF. It is written for the programmer [...]
RDF Nuts & Bolts
In this lesson the user will learn: 1) The different RDF serializations; 2) How to read and write real RDF; 3) Some common RDF vocabularies [...]
Introduction to the Semantic Web
After completing this lesson, the user will know: 1) How Semantic Web technology fits in to the past, present, and future evolution of the Internet; [...]