Replacing old version of comp index.
Installing and Managing Virtuoso SPARQL Endpoint
Instructions for installing, configuring, and managing Virtuoso SPARQL endpoints (community edition). This tutorial documents instructions for installing, configuring and managing Virtuoso Open Source Edition (VOSE) [...]
SPARQL Tutorial: Results
This tutorial describes the four result forms used by SPARQL: SELECT, CONSTRUCT, DESCRIBE,and ASK. Also discusses the solution modifiers: PROJECTION, OFFSET/LIMIT, ORDER BY, and DISTINCT.URL: [...]
Previous lessons in this module introduced both RDF Schema and OWL as data modeling languages for describing RDF data. So which should you use? This [...]
Simple SPARQL Tutorial: More on SPARQL UNION
Tutorial explaining how the UNION keyword works using RDF principles. Topic is continued from the last video of the series, which showed an example of [...]
Advantages and Myths of RDF
This paper addresses the question, "Is RDF a Framework, Data Model or Vocabulary?" The author argues that RDF is simultaneously a framework, data model and [...]
Simple SPARQL Tutorial: Using LIMIT and OFFSET Keywords
Tutorial explaining how the LIMIT and OFFSET keywords allow one to restrict the number of results returned by a SPARQL query. The instructor has some [...]
Linked Data FAQ
A brief overview of Linked Data and the Semantic Web. Contains FAQs and links to other sites, including papers by Tim Berners-Lee and others. Although [...]
Tutorial on Ontology Management
This PowerPoint presentation uses the famous Wine Ontology example to cover ontology development basics. It answers the question, "What is an ontology and why do [...]
A Complete Example of How to Link Data, Part 1
Brief introductory video explaining the benefits of Linked Data using a real-estate industry use case. The speaker sketches out a Linked Data Pipeline for the [...]
A Simple Linked Data and JavaScript Tutorial
Mention Linked Data or RDF and many developers run screaming. The truth is that Linked Data is really rather simple (and in many cases you [...]