Replacing old version of comp index.
How to Find Datasets Using the LOGD SPARQL Endpoint
This page contains example SPARQL queries to describe datasets in the Linked Open Government Data (LOGD) triple store. After checking out the "LOGD Data Description [...]
How to Publish Linked Data on the Web
This document provides a tutorial on how to publish Linked Data on the Web. After a general overview of the concept of Linked Data, it [...]
RDF 1.1 Turtle
This document defines a textual syntax for RDF called Turtle, which allows a graph to be completely written in a compact and natural text form, [...]
Building Linked Open Government Data Visualizations
By the end of this tutorial the user should be able to generate a Javascript-based visualization through the Google Visualization API. This tutorial assumes familiarity [...]
D2RQ: Accessing Relational Databases as Virtual RDF Graphs
The D2RQ Platform is an open-source system for accessing relational databases as virtual, read-only RDF graphs. It offers RDF-based access to the content of relational [...]
Manchester Family History Advanced OWL Tutorial Edition V1.0
This tutorial introduces many of the more advanced features of the Web Ontology Language (OWL). The topic of family history is used to take the [...]
Mashing Up LOGD Data with SPARQL
By the end of this tutorial the user should be able to understand how to use SPARQL queries to mash up LOGD datasets, as well [...]
SPARQL vs. SQL – Intro
This lesson compares the SPARQL and SQL query languages, which are designed to query RDF and relational data, respectively. It is designed for those who [...]
Simple SPARQL Tutorial: Querying Multiple Datasets (with Jena Fuseki Server)
Tutorial showing how to use Apache Jena's Fuseki to query multiple datasets.URL: Fuseki, Apache Jena, SPARQLAuthor: Sadawi, NoureddinDate created: 2014-03-03 07:00:00.000 Language: required: [...]
Retrieving SPARQL Results
By the end of this tutorial the user should be able to retrieve SPARQL query results in applications, use TWC's SparqlProxy to format results, and [...]