Publishing RDF vocabularies
Publishing RDF Vocabularies on
This page is part of a wiki used by the Jazz development teams to plan and discuss technical designs and operational procedures related to the [...]
Providing Machine-readable Application Profiles with OAI-ORE
This German blog post shares thoughts on how to publish application profiles in a formal machine-readable way. Currently, there doesn't seem to exist any common [...]
Sharing Context – Publishing Application Profiles with JSON-LD
This German blog post discusses promoting the re-use of existing vocabularies instead of creating a new one for every application. However, re-using vocabularies doesn't by [...]
Linked Data Cookbook
This guidance is intended to help data curators and publishers better understand how to best use their time and resources to achieve the noble goals [...]
Cookbook for Translating Relational Data Models to RDF Schemas
This slide presentation provides guidance for a person tasked with translating a Domain Model into an RDF schema. Modelling initiatives usually focus on a Domain [...]
Providing Linked Data
This video presentation covers the whole spectrum of Linked Data production and exposure. It begins with a grounding in Linked Data principles and best practices, [...]
Providing Linked Data
This slide presentation covers the whole spectrum of Linked Data production and exposure. It begins with a grounding in Linked Data principles and best practices, [...]
Linked Data Tutorial: From Document Web to a Web of Linked Data
This slide presentation explains the "Data Web" vision, including some of the preliminary standards and technologies. It also covers tools and technological building blocks developed [...]
Linked Data Life Cycles, Part 2
Based on the author's experience in Linked Data publishing and consumption over the past years, he has identified involved parties and fundamental phases, which provide [...]
Linked Archival Metadata: A Guidebook (Version 0.99)
Linked Archival Metadata: A Guidebook provides archivists with an overview of the Linked Data landscape. It begins by defining basic concepts, such as the RDF [...]