Linked Archival Metadata: A Guidebook provides archivists with an overview of the Linked Data landscape. It begins by defining basic concepts, such as the RDF data model and its various serializations. It also covers Linked Data principles and emphasizes the tangible payoffs for Libraries, Archives, and Museums (LAMs). However, this resource is most useful for its information on the "Linked Data Life Cycle", as well as numerous links to tools and resources. The process of creating RDF data (including transforming from other data sources) and publishing it is described in detail. Topics related to designing, mapping, and publishing RDF vocabularies are given minimal coverage.

Keywords: Semantic Web, HTTP URIs, D2RQ, R2RML
Author: Morgan, Eric Lease
Publisher: Tufts University
Date created: 2014-04-23 07:00:00.000
Time required: P3H
Educational use: instruction
Educational audience: teacher-educationSpecialist

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