Designing RDF-based vocabularies
RDF and Logic: Reasoning and Extension
This paper explores embedding the various kinds of RDF entailment in F-Logic. It shows that the embedding of simple, RDF, and RDFS entailment, as well [...]
Knowledge Graph Identification
Large-scale information processing systems are able to extract massive collections of interrelated facts, but unfortunately transforming these candidate facts into useful knowledge is a formidable [...]
Suggesting Mappings from Relational Databases to Ontologies
This video discusses the CONTOMAP project, which seeks to solve the problem of mapping from relational databases to ontologies. Several possible approaches are outlined: naive, [...]
From Linked Data to Networked Knowledge
This lecture briefly covers the history of human communication up to the present day and then seeks to answer the question, "How best can we [...]
Answering Queries Over OWL Ontologies with SPARQL
This slide presentation discusses the various types of RDF Schema and OWL entailment regimes defined by SPARQL 1.1. It highlights where limitations and restrictions exist [...]
Expressive Languages for Querying the Semantic Web
SPARQL 1.1 was recently released, which includes entailment regimes for RDFS and OWL vocabularies and a mechanism to express navigation patterns through regular expressions. Unfortunately, [...]
Learning from the Masters: Understanding Ontologies found on the Web (Part 1)
The purpose of this presentation was to help conference attendees gain sufficient experience of working with OWL and tools (e.g., the Swoop ontology editor/browser) to [...]
Schema-Agnostic Query Rewriting in SPARQL 1.1
SPARQL 1.1 supports the use of ontologies to enrich query results with logical entailments, and OWL 2 provides a dedicated fragment OWL QL for this [...]
Web Ontology Language
A walk-through of the basic technologies underpinning OWL and the Semantic Web. Very brief and provides no exposition. May provide inspiration for the outline of [...]
Karma Demonstration: Integrating Web APIs into the Linked Data Cloud
While the amount of data available in the Linked Data Cloud continues to grow, there are still relatively few services for consuming and producing Linked [...]