Designing RDF-based vocabularies
Linked Open Data and Cultural Heritage
This talk provides an overview of principles and methods of Linked Open Data (LOD) and discusses advantages as well as challenges of adopting a Linked [...]
Usage of Linked Data: Introduction and Application Scenarios
This slide presentation introduces the main principles of Linked Data, as well as underlying technologies and background standards. It provides basic knowledge for how data [...]
From Excel File to RDF with Links to DBpedia and Europeana
This screencast is a step-by-step walk-through showing how to transform Excel tables to RDF data and then link that RDF data to external data sources. [...]
Semantic Modeling
After this tutorial, you should be able to: 1) Compare and contrast the properties of the various data modeling types and their typical scope; 2) [...]
Research Description Framework
This video is targeted for blind users- it contains no visuals, only audio. However, it contains a very thorough description of the RDF Data model, [...]
Introduction to SKOS – Simple Knowledge Organization System
These slides are from the PhD Course on the Semantic Web at Turin Polytechnic University. SKOS provides the missing link between the rigorous logical formalism [...]
Why SKOS should be a focal point of your linked data strategy
In this webinar, key people from the Semantic Web Company describe why controlled vocabularies based on SKOS should play a central role in a Linked [...]
OWL Web Ontology Language
A slide presentation of ontology languages focusing on OWL, with information on RDF, RDF Schema, and XML as well. Discusses the three "species" of OWL- [...]
Using SKOS Vocabularies for Improving Web Search
This slide presentation briefly explains what SKOS is and how SKOS-based term expansion may improve the results returned from queries on the Web. Lucene-SKOS and [...]
SKOS for Classification Systems
These slides present challenges and best-practice recommendations for expressing classification systems using SKOS. Topics discussed include: nesting, index terms, and class-topic relationships.URL: Simple Knowledge [...]