Uses RDF Schema to express semantic relationships within a vocabulary.
RDF Schema
Discussion of RDFS, focusing on how classes and properties allow one to make inferences about resources. Covers axiomatic triples and inferencing from subproperties. Also discusses [...]
Ontologies and the Semantic Web
This site introduces ontologies and the Semantic Web, with an emphasis on how ontologies are defined and used for applications. There are about about thirty [...]
RDF and Logic: Reasoning and Extension
This paper explores embedding the various kinds of RDF entailment in F-Logic. It shows that the embedding of simple, RDF, and RDFS entailment, as well [...]
IRIS RDFS Reasoner
The RDFS Reasoner is a framework that enables reasoning over RDF Schema ontologies and that uses IRIS as underlying reasoning engine. The RDFS Reasoner implementation [...]
Web Ontology Language
A walk-through of the basic technologies underpinning OWL and the Semantic Web. Very brief and provides no exposition. May provide inspiration for the outline of [...]
Usage of Linked Data: Introduction and Application Scenarios
This slide presentation introduces the main principles of Linked Data, as well as underlying technologies and background standards. It provides basic knowledge for how data [...]
Semantic Modeling
After this tutorial, you should be able to: 1) Compare and contrast the properties of the various data modeling types and their typical scope; 2) [...]
Research Description Framework
This video is targeted for blind users- it contains no visuals, only audio. However, it contains a very thorough description of the RDF Data model, [...]
OWL Web Ontology Language
A slide presentation of ontology languages focusing on OWL, with information on RDF, RDF Schema, and XML as well. Discusses the three "species" of OWL- [...]
Protege: How To Create Classes And Properties
This video is about defining classes, properties, class hierarchies and property hierarchies using Protégé, a free, open-source ontology editor and framework. Although the video deals [...]