After this tutorial, you should be able to: 1) Compare and contrast the properties of the various data modeling types and their typical scope; 2) Recognize the benefits that the semantic web model offers over traditional modeling approaches; 3) Understand the terms vocabulary and ontology in Semantic Web terms; 4) Understand the role of metadata initiatives in standardizing information interchange.
Keywords: Semantic Web, Ontology, Vocabulary, Metadata, RDF Schema, Data modeling
Date created: 2009-01-01 07:00:00.000
Time required: P15M
Educational use: instruction
Educational audience: teacher-educationSpecialist
Interactivity type: expositive
- Grasps essential differences between schemas for syntactic validation (e.g., XML) and for inferencing (RDF Schema).
- Knows that the word "ontology" is ambiguous, referring to any RDF vocabulary, but more typically a set of OWL classes and properties designed to support inferencing in a specific domain.
- Reuses published properties and classes where available.
- Uses RDF Schema to express semantic relationships within a vocabulary.
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