Interacting with RDF data
All Roads Lead To? Experiments With Gephi, Linked Data and Wikipedia
This blog post shares an example using the Semantic Web Import plugin (available for the Gephi visualization tool) to create a rather complex geospatial visualization. [...]
Visualising Related Entries in Wikipedia Using Gephi
In this blog post, the author shares how to use the Gephi visualization tool's Semantic Web Import plugin to retrieve data from DBpedia and turn [...]
Protege: How To Define Property Types and Axioms
This video is about defining property types and axioms using Protégé, a free, open-source ontology editor and framework. Although the video deals with one specific [...]
Using RDFAlchemy Together With RDFLib’s SPARQLStore to Query DBPedia and Process Resources in an Object-Oriented Way
The author of this blog posts shares his work towards manipulating RDF graphs with Python to create an application that can handle Linked Datar esources [...]
Ordnance Survey Linked Data: A Simple Spatial Query
In this blog post, the author discusses the relative lack of spatial indexes for data in RDF triple stores, compared to data stored in GIS [...]
Protege: How To Add Individuals
This video is about adding individuals to an ontology which was previously created using Protégé, a free, open-source ontology editor and framework. Although the video [...]
Protege: How To Define Classes as Property Restrictions
This video is about defining new classes by leveraging the property restrictions of existing classes. This is demonstrated with Protégé, a free, open-source ontology editor [...]
Protege: How To Define Class Axioms
This video is about defining class axioms using Protégé, a free, open-source ontology editor and framework. Although the video deals with one specific tool, it [...]
Pulling SKOS "prefLabel" and "altLabel" Values Out of DBpedia
In this blog post, the author proposes that DBpedia may be the best source of reusable URIs when one is seeking to describe entities in [...]
From a Wikipedia Page to the Corresponding DBpedia Page in One Click
This blog post contains a "scriplet" (i.e., a little bit of JavaScript code embedded in a link) which, if placed in a Web browser's "bookmarks" [...]