Processing RDF data using programming languages.
Example SPARQL queries
This page, which contains SPARQL tools, tips, sample queries, is just starting out and the authors hope it can become a resource for useful snippets [...]
Probing the SPARQL endpoint of
In this blog post, the authors use a series of SPARQL queries to probe the content in the UK's The techniques demonstrated can be [...]
Semantic Inferencing with MarkLogic
This tutorial familiarizes the user with concepts and steps for using Semantic Inferencing in MarkLogic. The concepts of inference, rulesets, asserted triples and ontology triples [...]
Getting to Know MarkLogic Semantics
This tutorial is self-paced and teaches about MarkLogic Semantics. Upon completing it, the user should be able to: Describe semantic data, triples and triple stores; [...]
SPARQL Endpoint Interface to Python (1.6.4)
This is a wrapper around a SPARQL service. It helps in creating the query URI and, possibly, converting the result into a more manageable format. [...]
SPARQL with R in less than 5 minutes
This article describes how to get up and running on the Semantic Web in less than 5 minutes using SPARQL with R. It begins with [...]
MarkLogic Semantics: Under the Hood
This slide presentation starts with the basics of triples and how to query RDF data using SPARQL (with a focus on SPARQL support in MarkLogic). [...]
Building Semantic Web CRUD Operations Using PHP
This article discusses how a shift in Web development towards Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) has shifted the model commonly used for connecting websites to databases (and [...]
Apache Jena TDB CRUD operations
This text-based tutorial explains Apache Jena TDB CRUD operations using simple examples. CRUD operations are implemented with the Jena programming API instead of SPARQL. This [...]
Simple Example of Manipulating Graph Data Using SPARQL Update
The author of this post was unable to find many good examples of the basic actions required to manipulate graphs using SPARQL, so he pieced [...]