Uses available tools, servers, and endpoints to issue queries against a dataset.
Simple SPARQL Tutorial: Querying Multiple Datasets (with ARQ Query Engine)
This tutorial demonstrates how to query several datasets at the same time using ARQ. A later video in the series shows how to use Fuseki [...]
Simple SPARQL Tutorial: Querying public data sources (SPARQL Endpoints)
This tutorial explains what how to query publicly available datasets using SPARQL and DBpedia's SNORQL endpoint.URL: SPARQL, DBpedia, SPARQL endpointAuthor: Sadawi, NoureddinDate created: 2014-03-03 [...]
RDFUnit: An RDF Unit-Testing Suite
RDFUnit is a test-driven, data-debugging framework that can run automatically and manually generated test cases against an endpoint. All test cases are executed as SPARQL [...]
Apache Jena Tutorial: Download and Setup Jena in Eclipse
This tutorial shows how to download and setup the Apache Jena API with Eclipse, so that the user can start developing Semantic Web applications using [...]
How to Find Datasets Using the LOGD SPARQL Endpoint
This page contains example SPARQL queries to describe datasets in the Linked Open Government Data (LOGD) triple store. After checking out the "LOGD Data Description [...]
Simple SPARQL Tutorial: Querying Multiple Datasets (with Jena Fuseki Server)
Tutorial showing how to use Apache Jena's Fuseki to query multiple datasets.URL: Fuseki, Apache Jena, SPARQLAuthor: Sadawi, NoureddinDate created: 2014-03-03 07:00:00.000 Language: required: [...]
Retrieving SPARQL Results
By the end of this tutorial the user should be able to retrieve SPARQL query results in applications, use TWC's SparqlProxy to format results, and [...]
Discoverability of SPARQL Endpoints for Linked Open Data
In "Design Issues", Tim Berners-Lee stated that "to make the data be effectively linked, someone who only has the URI of something must be able [...]
SPARQL Tutorial: A First SPARQL Query
A brief, text-based tutorial demonstrating a simple first query and how to execute it with Apache Jena. Shows how to formulate a simple command line [...]