Finding RDF data
Wikidata and Authority Control
This video discuss Wikidata's pivotal role in bolstering authority control in Wikipedia through automated interactions with VIAF and other international authority files. Also includes a [...]
From a Wikipedia Page to the Corresponding DBpedia Page in One Click
This blog post contains a "scriplet" (i.e., a little bit of JavaScript code embedded in a link) which, if placed in a Web browser's "bookmarks" [...]
Converting LAK Data to R Format
In this video, the presenter demonstrates how to retrieve the LAK (Learning Analytics and Educational Data Mining) dataset from the Web and load it into [...]
Finding Useful RDF Data on the Web
The author of this blog post states his opinion that "the world has too many ontologies and not enough useful data for those ontologies to [...]
Provenance and Annotations for Linked Data
Provenance tracking for Linked Data requires the identification of Linked Data resources. Annotating Linked Data on the level of single statements requires the identification of [...]
Providing Linked Data
This module covers the whole spectrum of Linked Data production and exposure. After a grounding in the Linked Data principles and best practices, with special [...]
Providing Linked Data Quiz
Ten multiple choice questions that are intended to test one's knowledge after reading and viewing the materials in Module 3: ( Linked Data Principles, [...]
The Linking Open Data Cloud Diagram
This web page is the home of the LOD cloud diagram. This image shows datasets that have been published in Linked Data format, by contributors [...]
[email protected] Mail Archives
A public mailing list dedicated to discussing development of and with SPARQL: "Discussion of SPARQL software: building it, using it, etc.". Archived discussions about building [...]
Watch this: Probe the Semantic Web with SPARQL
One thing that is immediately obvious from the triple pattern of SPARQL queries is that harvesting information from the Semantic Web is more complex than [...]