The project Linked Data for Professional Education (LD4PE), funded between 2014 and 2017 by the Institute of Museum and Library Studies (IMLS) and lead by the University of Washington Information School, developed a web-based exploratorium to support structured discovery of online learning resources about Linked Data. The project produced this website, which has been converted into a static site for preservation, and a Linked Data Competency Index. DCMI will keep this site online on a "best effort" basis as long as resources permit. The Internet Archive's Wayback Machine should be regarded as the source of archival copies for the long term.

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Finding RDF data

Discoverability of SPARQL Endpoints for Linked Open Data

In "Design Issues", Tim Berners-Lee stated that "to make the data be effectively linked, someone who only has the URI of something must be able [...]

By |August 13th, 2015|0 Comments

Designing and Developing Vocabularies in RDF

This slide presentation aims to help the user answer the following questions: What are the best practices or creating an RDF vocabulary for modelling data; [...]

By |August 13th, 2015|0 Comments

How to Find Datasets Using the LOGD SPARQL Endpoint

This page contains example SPARQL queries to describe datasets in the Linked Open Government Data (LOGD) triple store. After checking out the "LOGD Data Description [...]

By |August 13th, 2015|0 Comments

Understanding Linked Open Government Data Metadata

This text-based tutorial shows the process for using metadata to describe LOGD data. It includes examples in Turtle for the following types of metadata: Source, [...]

By |August 13th, 2015|0 Comments