– What, How, Why?
This presentation explains why search engines now want metadata, how it works, and what you need to know as a developer (as seen in the [...]
This presentation explains why search engines now want metadata, how it works, and what you need to know as a developer (as seen in the [...]
Follows where previous video left off, describing how adding a property to a resource can confer new membership in a class to that resource. Discusses [...]
Follows where previous video left off with its description of classes, properties, domain and range. Discusses how RDF Schema approaches membership of a class differently [...]
Textual tutorial describing how RDF Schema (RDFS) extends RDF vocabulary to allow for describing taxonomies of classes and properties. RDFS also extends definitions for some [...]
This S5 format slideshow details the changes made to the query language in SPARQL 1.1- it is not a basic introduction to SPARQL and assumes [...]
FOAF-a-matic is a simple JavaScript application that allows you to create a FOAF (Friend-of-A-Friend) description of yourself. FOAF is a way to describe yourself using [...]
This site introduces ontologies and the Semantic Web, with an emphasis on how ontologies are defined and used for applications. There are about about thirty [...]
The purpose of this presentation was to help conference attendees gain sufficient experience of working with OWL and tools (e.g., the Swoop ontology editor/browser) to [...]
This video lecture starts with an overview of the requirements for defining and using ontologies on the Web. It then outlines the main concepts and [...]
The speaker discusses the meaning of the word "ontology" in the context of computer science before focusing on how to select a relevant ontology for [...]