Building on the previous video in the series, this video introduces the user to graph processing using Cayley, an open source graph database written in Go. Explains how "graph-shaped data" and graph stores can benefit Web developers, then shows how to programmatically load and query data using JavaScript in Cayley. Finally, previously loaded data is reconciled against Freebase data through graph traversal.
Keywords: JavaScript, Cayley,, Knowledge Graph, Graph databases
Author: Michener, Barak
Publisher: Google Developers
Date created: 2014-06-25 07:00:00.000
Time required: P15M
- Knows the subject-predicate-object component structure of a triple.
- Understands the RDF abstract data model as a directed labeled graph.
- Understands how components of the RDF data model (datasets, graphs, statements, and various types of node) are expressed in the RDF library of a given programming language by constructs such as object
- Uses available resources for named entity recognition, extraction, and reconciliation.
- Uses RDF-specific programming methods to query RDF data and save the results for further processing.
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