A brief tutorial on how to explore a previously loaded graph database using a SPARQL endpoint. Gives several examples of queries using DBpedia and BBC News. This is just one of several tutorials in a sequence, and they should be done in order to gain the most benefit.
URL: http://developer.marklogic.com/learn/semantics-exercises/sparql-101
Keywords: MarkLogic, BBC News, DBpedia, SPARQL, Graph
Publisher: MarkLogic
Language: http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/iso639-2/eng
Time required: P20M
- Uses available tools, servers, and endpoints to issue queries against a dataset.
- Interacting with RDF data
- Querying RDF data
- Uses available tools, servers, and endpoints to issue queries against a dataset.
- Execute SPARQL queries using the Jena ARQ command-line utility.
- Queries multiple local data files using ARQ.
- Uses ARQ to evaluate queries on local data.
- Uses Fuseki server to evaluate queries on a dataset.
- Queries multiple data files using Fuseki.
- Accesses DBPedia's SNORQL/SPARQL endpoint and issues simple queries.
- Uses available tools, servers, and endpoints to issue queries against a dataset.
- Querying RDF data
- Interacting with RDF data
- Uses ORDER BY to define ordering conditions by variable, function call, or expression.
- Interacting with RDF data
- Querying RDF data
- Understands the major SPARQL result set modifiers, e.g., to limit or sort results, or to return distinct results only once.
- Uses ORDER BY to define ordering conditions by variable, function call, or expression.
- Uses ORDER BY to define ordering conditions by variable, function call, or expression.
- Understands the major SPARQL result set modifiers, e.g., to limit or sort results, or to return distinct results only once.
- Querying RDF data
- Interacting with RDF data
- Uses PREFIX for base URIs.
- Interacting with RDF data
- Querying RDF data
- Understands the basic syntax of a SPARQL query.
- Uses PREFIX for base URIs.
- Uses PREFIX for base URIs.
- Understands the basic syntax of a SPARQL query.
- Querying RDF data
- Interacting with RDF data
- Uses variables in SELECT and WHERE clauses to yield a table of results.
- Interacting with RDF data
- Querying RDF data
- Demonstrates a working knowledge of the forms and uses of SPARQL result sets (SELECT, CONSTRUCT, DESCRIBE, and ASK).
- Uses variables in SELECT and WHERE clauses to yield a table of results.
- Uses variables in SELECT and WHERE clauses to yield a table of results.
- Demonstrates a working knowledge of the forms and uses of SPARQL result sets (SELECT, CONSTRUCT, DESCRIBE, and ASK).
- Querying RDF data
- Interacting with RDF data