Building on a previous post, the author shares another example using a SPARQL endpoint to query Linked Open Data and turn the results into a graph (aka, "network") visualization using the Gephi tool (and its 'Semantic Web Import' plugin). Includes an example of federated search as well as a work-around to convert SPARQL results from Turtle to XML.
Keywords: Gephi, DBpedia, Geospatial data, SPARQL
Author: Goodwin, John
Date created: 2014-03-26 04:00:00.000
Time required: P20M
- Converts/manipulates SPARQL query outputs (RDF-XML, JSON) to the exact format required by a third party tools and APIs.
- Uses available tools, servers, and endpoints to issue queries against a dataset.
- Pulls data from a different SPARQL endpoints in one single query using the SERVICE directive.
- Uses publicly available tools to visualize data.