Replacing old version of comp index.
Linked Data Query Processing: Source Selection Strategies
These slides represent the third of a five-part tutorial presentation given at the 22nd International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2013). For the execution of [...]
Visual Querying of Linked Data with QueryVOWL
In order to enable users without any knowledge of RDF and SPARQL to query Linked Data, visual approaches can be helpful by providing graphical support [...]
Linked Data Query Processing: Theoretical Foundations
These slides represent the second of a five-part tutorial presentation given at the 22nd International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2013). An awareness of foundations [...]
Making URIs published on Data Web RDF dereferencable
Although,quite a few practical recipes for publishing URIs have been provided to make URIs dereferencable, the authors of this paper believe a fundamental investigation of [...]
Publishing RDF Vocabularies on
This page is part of a wiki used by the Jazz development teams to plan and discuss technical designs and operational procedures related to the [...]
Recognizing, Naming and Exploring Structure in RDF Data
This master's thesis seeks to apply research into RDBMS - which has led to mature techniques for storing and querying data - to the problem [...]
Model Driven Engineering for Publishing Data on the Semantic Web
Publishing local data on the Semantic Web requires that one provide a shareable semantic data representation of that data. This paper presents a complete Model [...]
Linking Spatial Data: Semi-Automated Conversion of Geoinformation Models and GML data to RDF
Linked Data provides an alternative route for the dissemination of spatial information compared to the traditional Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)-based Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) approach. The [...]
An Introduction to the Resource Description Framework
This early article describes the RDF Data Model in its simplest form. Provides introduction, background information, and presents simple RDF syntax. MUCH has happened since [...]
Vocabulary Mapping Framework
This is the website of the Vocabulary Mapping Framework (VMF). It provides support for semantic interoperability across communities by providing extensive and authoritative mapping of [...]