Replacing old version of comp index.
The Vocabulary Mapping Framework (VMF): An Introduction v1.0
This document provides an introduction to the structure and development of the Vocabulary Mapping Framework (VMF) up to the end of the first stage of [...]
Integrating Open Sources and Relational Data with SPARQL
The authors of this paper believe that the possibility to use SPARQL as a front end to heterogeneous data without significant cost in performance or [...]
The Berlin SPARQL Benchmark
This article introduces the Berlin SPARQL Benchmark (BSBM) for comparing the performance of native RDF stores with the performance of SPARQL-to-SQL rewriters across architectures. The [...]
RDF, SPARQL and Semantic Repositories
This massive slide presentation covers a LOT of ground, including. It begins with the benefits of using RDF, RDFS/OWL entailment rules and how they can [...]
Introduction to: Triplestores
This brief weblog entry describes the differences between triple stores and relational database systems. It also discusses the similarities and differences with NoSQL Graph databases. [...]
Application Profiles: Exposing and Enforcing Metadata Quality
This paper explores a range of issues yet to be addressed in the large-scale use of application profiles. While considerable attention has been paid to [...]
Namespaces and Application Profiles
These slides are lectures notes from a unit of the course, "Organization of Information and Resources" which was taught at the University of Washington. The [...]
Application Profiles as Machine-Understandable Narratives
The SCHEMAS Registry aims at providing a selected and annotated overview of metadata vocabularies and their use in application environments. Based on harvested metadata in [...]
The Role of SKOS in a Web of Data: Some Business Use Cases
Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) is a rising star in the Linked Data world because it is able to link different visions of the Semantic [...]
Combining RDF and XML Schemas to Enhance Interoperability Between Metadata Application Profiles
The term Application Profile (AP) has recently become highly topical, with initiatives demanding APs which combine elements from a number of different existing standardized metadata [...]