The project Linked Data for Professional Education (LD4PE), funded between 2014 and 2017 by the Institute of Museum and Library Studies (IMLS) and lead by the University of Washington Information School, developed a web-based exploratorium to support structured discovery of online learning resources about Linked Data. The project produced this website, which has been converted into a static site for preservation, and a Linked Data Competency Index. DCMI will keep this site online on a "best effort" basis as long as resources permit. The Internet Archive's Wayback Machine should be regarded as the source of archival copies for the long term.

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Replacing old version of comp index.

The Vocabulary Mapping Framework (VMF): An Introduction v1.0

This document provides an introduction to the structure and development of the Vocabulary Mapping Framework (VMF) up to the end of the first stage of [...]

By |October 10th, 2015|Comments Off on The Vocabulary Mapping Framework (VMF): An Introduction v1.0

Integrating Open Sources and Relational Data with SPARQL

The authors of this paper believe that the possibility to use SPARQL as a front end to heterogeneous data without significant cost in performance or [...]

By |October 9th, 2015|Comments Off on Integrating Open Sources and Relational Data with SPARQL

The Berlin SPARQL Benchmark

This article introduces the Berlin SPARQL Benchmark (BSBM) for comparing the performance of native RDF stores with the performance of SPARQL-to-SQL rewriters across architectures. The [...]

By |October 9th, 2015|Comments Off on The Berlin SPARQL Benchmark

RDF, SPARQL and Semantic Repositories

This massive slide presentation covers a LOT of ground, including. It begins with the benefits of using RDF, RDFS/OWL entailment rules and how they can [...]

By |October 9th, 2015|Comments Off on RDF, SPARQL and Semantic Repositories

Introduction to: Triplestores

This brief weblog entry describes the differences between triple stores and relational database systems. It also discusses the similarities and differences with NoSQL Graph databases. [...]

By |October 9th, 2015|Comments Off on Introduction to: Triplestores

Application Profiles: Exposing and Enforcing Metadata Quality

This paper explores a range of issues yet to be addressed in the large-scale use of application profiles. While considerable attention has been paid to [...]

By |October 3rd, 2015|Comments Off on Application Profiles: Exposing and Enforcing Metadata Quality

Namespaces and Application Profiles

These slides are lectures notes from a unit of the course, "Organization of Information and Resources" which was taught at the University of Washington. The [...]

By |October 3rd, 2015|Comments Off on Namespaces and Application Profiles

Application Profiles as Machine-Understandable Narratives

The SCHEMAS Registry aims at providing a selected and annotated overview of metadata vocabularies and their use in application environments. Based on harvested metadata in [...]

By |October 3rd, 2015|Comments Off on Application Profiles as Machine-Understandable Narratives

The Role of SKOS in a Web of Data: Some Business Use Cases

Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) is a rising star in the Linked Data world because it is able to link different visions of the Semantic [...]

By |October 3rd, 2015|Comments Off on The Role of SKOS in a Web of Data: Some Business Use Cases

Combining RDF and XML Schemas to Enhance Interoperability Between Metadata Application Profiles

The term Application Profile (AP) has recently become highly topical, with initiatives demanding APs which combine elements from a number of different existing standardized metadata [...]

By |October 3rd, 2015|Comments Off on Combining RDF and XML Schemas to Enhance Interoperability Between Metadata Application Profiles