Replacing old version of comp index.
From Interoperability to Harmonization in Metadata Standardization
In this doctoral thesis, the author presents a solution-oriented analysis of current issues in metadata harmonization. A set of widely used metadata specifications in the [...]
Providing Machine-readable Application Profiles with OAI-ORE
This German blog post shares thoughts on how to publish application profiles in a formal machine-readable way. Currently, there doesn't seem to exist any common [...]
Sharing Context – Publishing Application Profiles with JSON-LD
This German blog post discusses promoting the re-use of existing vocabularies instead of creating a new one for every application. However, re-using vocabularies doesn't by [...]
Formalizing Dublin Core Application Profiles Description Set Profiles and Graph Constraints
This paper describes a proposed formalization of the notion of Applications Profiles as used in the Dublin Core community. The formalization, called Description Set Profiles, [...]
From Content Standard to RDF
This paper discusses the basic steps in developing an application profile, and the utility of application profiles in constructing and validating bibliographic records using a [...]
Semantic Web Tutorial 11/14: RDF Schema and OWL 3/4
Follows where previous video left off with its description of classes, properties, domain and range. Discusses how RDF Schema approaches membership of a class differently [...]
Semantic Web Tutorial 10/14: RDF Schema and OWL 2/4
Follows where previous video left off, describing how RDF Schema is itself a vocabulary and how it can be used to define new classes of [...]
Semantic Web Tutorial 9/14: RDF Schema and OWL 1/4
Video tutorial describing the role of vocabularies in Semantic Web development, particularly the reuse of existing vocabularies. How to access predefined classes and properties through [...]
RDF Schema (RDFS)
Textual tutorial describing how RDF Schema (RDFS) extends RDF vocabulary to allow for describing taxonomies of classes and properties. RDFS also extends definitions for some [...]
Markup Languages: Comparison and Examples
A comparison table created to understand the tradeoffs and differences among markup languages. It compares XML (eXtensible Markup Language), RDF (Resource Description Framework), and DAML [...]