Understands how components of the RDF data model (datasets, graphs, statements, and various types of node) are expressed in the RDF library of a given programming language by constructs such as object-oriented classes.
Parsing and Serializing RDF Data with Ruby
This tutorial teaches how to parse and serialize RDF data using the RDF.rb library for Ruby. There exist a number of Linked Data serialization formats [...]
What's New in RDF.rb 0.3.0
This blog post describes an updated version of RDF.rb, a library for working with RDF using the programming language Ruby. The major new features include [...]
RDF.rb: A Public-Domain RDF Library for Ruby
This blog post introduces the design philosophy and object model of the library and provides a tutorial for using its core classes. The author states [...]
Inserting, Deleting, and Modifying Triples with XQuery and Server-Side JavaScript
This is the final chapter in MarkLogic's "Semantic Developer's Guide". It discusses how to work with both "managed" and "unmanaged" triples with XQuery or Server-side [...]
Client-Side APIs for Semantics
This is the eleventh chapter in MarkLogic's "Semantic Developer's Guide". It discusses client-side APIs that provide support for management of triples and graphs, SPARQL and [...]
How to Build an SQL Storage Adapter for RDF Data with Ruby
In this blog post, the author discusses his experience getting RDF.rb working with a PostgreSQL storage backend in order to work with RDF data in [...]
Namespaces and Bindings
This documentation discusses the several short-cuts which RDFLib provides for working with many URIs in the same namespace. The namespace module defines many common namespaces [...]
Documentation explaining that RDFLib provides an abstracted Store API for persistence of RDF and Notation 3. The Graph class works with instances of this API [...]
Creating RDF Triples
This documentation explains that RDF is a graph where the nodes are URI references, Blank Nodes or Literals. In RDFLib, nodes are represented by the [...]
Getting Started with RDFLib
This documentation explains how to install RDFLib, an open source library for working with RDF using Python. It explains that the primary interface that RDFLib [...]